100th Reunion - Uxbridge Secondary School
Alumni Comments
These are a few of the comments from the 1998 Reunion - up to the end of the 70's.  There are hundreds more starting at the 80's. It would be interesting to see what fraction of the enclosed email addresses would be still applicable.




Name: Wilda Munro Clark
E-Mail: ?? what's 'e-mail?'
Year of Graduation: 1934
Life at USS from 1928-34 was good.  We had 5 teachers and approximately 145 students.  Everyone knew each other.  Many of the girls wore white middy and navy tunics.   The Principal was Mr. J.E. Burchell, Math - Mr. M.F. White, English - Miss McGuade, Latin - Miss Isabel Taylor,  French & German - Miss Doris Armitage. 

Baseball, basketball, and volleyball, as well as hockey were enjoyed competitively.  An excellent literary Society was formed with several plays and high - rated debates enjoyed. 
Out of town students boarded in various homes or drove a horse and buggy to a nearby barn for the day.  I met my husband there in the early 30's. 

A group of boys - Gordon Baulch, John McNab, Hector Noble were in class in form 5 when Gordon decided to faint and the other boys were to carry him out, but when Gordon dropped his hands to the floor one of the boys stepped on Gordon's fingers and he let a yell out of him - ruining the stunt.


Name: Lloyd Ball
E-Mail: lloyd_ball@yahoo.com
Year of Graduation: 1945
I attended U.S.S. from 1939-1945. In 1939 we had five grades (IX to XIII). There were 46 students in my Gr.IX class, in room 105. 

In 1967, I returned to U.S.S. and taught 23yrs until I retired in 1990.  Since our family all attended U.S.S. I can sincerely say that I've had a lifetime of association with U.S.S. 

Those were the days my friends and I'll have to say there were a few days that I thought would never end!  However I can truthfully say Thanks for the Memories. 

See you at the 75th Reunion.

Name: Harry Stemp
E-Mail: hstemp@netcom.ca
Year of Graduation: 1949
My my. Wilda Clark graduated from UHS in 1934, the year I was born. How the time flies. Now I own the house on Plank Street where she was married.  
Good to see so many of the grads communicating. My date is a little misleading. I never did graduate. In 1949 I had the opportunity to get involved in the newspaper business as a Linotype apprentice at the Times-Journal ($6 for a 50-hour week). That's when my education really started.  
Hope to make it back home for the reunion and have a cold one with all my old buddies. My goal will be to get Harry Hudson to pay or now that Gene More is retired and drawing a big pension maybe he'll cough up as well. When you are living on a fixed income like me you have to count on your friends to come through.  
The USS page is great and Wilda I may be away from Uxbridge but I still love yah.  
Cheers. Harry Stemp
Name: Craig & Beth Cornell
E-Mail: craig.cornell@sympatico.ca
Year of Graduation: 1954
Where are all the grads from the early 50's?Surely there are a lot on the internet even though we are are advancing in years. The last reunion was a blast and this one should be even better.We have heard from quite a few who are going to be there but where are Clarence Stiver,Helen Hickling,Jim Leek,Bruce Ball,Jim Blackburn,John Gillham,Gwen Wood,Harold Wagg, and Rita Pickett.The class of 1954 had only 13 graduates and it would be great to see them all.Hope to se you all on June 26th.
Name: Gary LeDrew
E-Mail: cgary@interhop.net
Year of Graduation: 1959
I never graduated but left in 1959 to join the navy. But Highschool was an important part of my life and it will be fun to see old friends. I guess I have nothing but OLD friends now. 
I welcome emails from one and all. See you soon.

Name: Gene More
E-Mail: genemore@sympatico.ca
Year of Graduation: 1959
Hope everyone makes an effort to attend the reunion. Am anxious to see my old classmates again. I am retired now and living in Peterborough. If you are in the area give me a call. See you there.
Name: Lynn Taylor
E-Mail: gltaylor@telusplanet.net
Year of Graduation: 1959
Thank you Uxbridge SS for this site and a chance to communicate with other graduates. I hope to attend and my phone number in Uxbridge at that time will be 852-6952. I hope to see many of you there formerly from the 50's and 60's.

Name: "The Friskies"
E-Mail: frisquem@videotron.ca
Year of Graduation: 1966
Here it is the 24th of May 1998 and I've just read some of the grads' comments but no one from 1966 yet. Where are all you people? To the "composers of the site: well done. To all returning staff and grads a big cheer to one and all from Frisky. Wish everyone luck, happiness and health since I won't be able to attend. My family (Marg, Karina, Jenica, Gregory & I) have decided to "immigrate" from Quebec to British Columbia and I'll be out west job hunting so "per ardua astra, killy killy ki-o (sp?) to all
present and past Uxbridgeites.
Name: John M. Taylor
JE-Mail: john.tayloriit.nrc.ca
Year of Graduation: 1962
As I will not be able to attend, I would like to convey my best wishes for the 75th Reunion and say hello to my 57 to 62 UHS classmates. 

In the 50s and 60s, Uxbridge and USS were great places to grow up, to learn and to play.  Although, as kids, few of us probably recognized it at the time, we were truly well served by many of the teachers as well as town and recreation leaders of the era.  Given the school, the pond, the rink, the ball diamond and Duncans Dairy Bar in combination with the efforts of those people, it may well have been as good as it gets. 

I currently live in Navan near Ottawa, work at the National Research Council, have two kids and am active in the local over 55 tennis and 10K scenes. 

Best wishes to a great community for a great weekend.

Name: David Rabin
E-Mail: Daverabin@aol.com
Year of Graduation: 1962
Trust John Szold to beat me to it!! Never mind, my message has to come from 
the UK and his from only around the corner (TO). Sorry not to be able to make 
the big event but look forward to the next one. Everyone enjoy!! Class of '64 
please feel free to email me. Best wishes and special HI! to Mr. BB. 
Name: John Szold
E-Mail: jszold@netcom.ca
Year of Graduation: 1964
Thanks to Bruce Brandon for keeping me informed.  I look forward to trading stories with as many of you as can make it.  34 years (sigh)!  How much we knew then...and how little we realize we know now!

Name: Bonnie (Haynes) Hammond
E-Mail: bhammond@cadvision.com
Year of Graduation: 1965
Out here in the Wild West (Calgary), I'm enjoying checking in on the reunion site - found in the Times Journal which my dad sends. Julius and I have been in Calgary two years - love the city and especially the hiking/skiing. Still working - in Market Development at NOVA Chemicals. My son, Glenn, is also new to Calgary, via Whistler. Looking forward to more messages from those '60s grads . . . and HELLO LEASKDALE!!
Name: Linda Vanginhoven (Hamilton)
JE-Mail: lvanginhoven@interhop.net
Year of Graduation: 1961
Have we all grown up yet? I hope not. It will be so good to see everyone again and reminisce about "the good old days" for they were good days. Living in Uxbridge and working at the hospital I still see quite a few of the old gang but there are those I haven't seen in years and would like to touch base with again. I especially would like to hear from Carole Mitchell from Goodwood and Joan Harrison from Zephyr.They had the lockers next to me and we had many good laughs together. 
And to Carol Cleverdon who for years was my best friend and mentor 
drop me a line. 

Name: Ray O'Brien
E-Mail: probrien@cips.ca
Year of Graduation: 1967
Looking forward to learning more about graduates from 67 year. Do any of you have computers? I'm living in Waterloo, married with two children. Look forward to hearing from other grads from 67.
Name: Andrew Berry
E-Mail: berry@highstar.com
Year of Graduation: 1969
Greetings To grads 
I've only been back once in 30 yrs. but I've never forgotten my years at USS. We had some great hockey teams back then. I won't forget those times. Hope to read other grads. postings.Best of luck to my old classmates.
Name: Linda Watson
E-Mail: lwatson@rapidnet.net
Year of Graduation: 1969
Good to hear about the reunion though I'm unlikely to attend. I've lost track of everybody since I moved to B.C. after grad.  I hope others leave messages so I can reminisce (or at least look up the photos in the old yearbooks).

Name: Sue (Miller) Legree
E-Mail: ewise@lisnet.net
Year of Graduation: 1973
Good old class of '73!  Well Twig, Elaine, Janice I'll be there.  My sister Charlene is coming too, Dave Hill is flying in from California, and Mike Strobel promises he'll make an appearance. Can't wait to see everybody!
Name: Mary Blackstock (VanVeghel)
JE-Mail: blackstb@MTO.GOV.on.ca
Year of Graduation: 1971
Looking forward to seeing the gang after 27 years.  I still see a few now and then, and I hope to see many more friendly faces at the reunion.  Let's reminisce and recall the good times we all had.  See you there along with my sidekick husband Bob Blackstock.
Name: Mary Reimann (née Morrison)
E-Mail: mare@banffgondola.com
Year of Graduation: 1978
Hello Uxbridge Gang!! 
Greetings from Canmore, Alberta.  The registration form and cheque have been submitted and now it's time to book our flights (bringing my 12 yr. old twin daughters as well Dad has to work!). Looking so forward to this Reunion.  I missed our 10th year Grad Reunion as I was living in Switzerland at the time.......just a tad too far to come back then. The golf swing is back in motion and can't wait to see everyone out on the course early Sunday a.m. and that will be after a late night at the dance.....Oh my head!!!  I'll be back for two weeks time.... staying with my Dad (Moir).  Hope to catch up with a lot of ol' friends.
Name: Denise McConney
E-Mail: mcconney@duke.usask.ca
Year of Graduation: 1974
Greetings from Saskatoon. I was very impressed to find that Uxbridge has a Web-site and that this re-union is on it. It has been especially useful for finding my sisters' email addresses! My daughter (Wynonah, age 4) and I will not be able to come for the reunion as I am teaching this summer. I am a sessional lecturer at the University of Saskatchewan in the Native Studies Dept and I will be starting my PhD in the fall. Hello to all my friends. There are so many of you that I would like to see. Have fun.

Name: Janice (Brennand) Johnson
E-Mail: dougjan@usa.net
Year of Graduation: 1973
I just heard about the reunion from Sue Miller ... we had a good laugh talking about old times and can't wait to meet up with more USS friends.  Anyone keep in contact with Karen McFarlane, my partner in crime from Zephyr?  Or Steve Smith, Gary Dempster, Sandra Sweet, Wendy Armstrong, Sharon Long ... I often wonder if Kevin Bain ever became the sheriff of Zephyr? (ha ha)  I've contacted Else Pedersen and Linda Stewart and will keep spreading the word. 

I'll let my brother Norm know, too, however, since he's in Calgary, I doubt he'll be there; maybe I'll get to see some of "the boys" from Zephyr, though, i.e., Stu Oldham, Ed Clark, Dale Coppins, Glen 
Arnold, Neil Arnold, etc. 

Hope to meet up with lots of friends in June!!

Name: Elaine McGann (Feasby)
JE-Mail: emcgann@rci.rogers.com
Year of Graduation: 1973
Great to hear that USS is having another reunion but hard to believe that it's been 25 years since I graduated.  I will be attending Friday and Saturday night events and hope to see some old familiar faces (like Judy Finbow, Susan Miller, Janice Brennand, Mike Farlow or anyone whoever went to "In Crowd".)  I have convinced Maureen Ryan to attend as well. 
I pulled out the 73 Astra to see what everyone wrote about me.  I can only say that I never actually published a book of jokes but I do have a couple of good ones to share with anyone from 1973 who attends.  Look forward to seeing everyone after a quarter of a century! 
Name: Debbie (Cochran) Simpson
E-Mail: debbie.simpson@crha-health.ab.ca
Year of Graduation: 1971
Found the Uxbridge Web page while I was surfing and found out about a 75th reunion.  That sure would be interesting to attend, but as I live in Calgary and am planning on driving to Ontario in July will not be able to make it.  Had some good times at USS.   If there are any people reading this and do remember me I would love to hear from you.
Name: Wendy McConney
E-Mail: mcgoode@talusplanet.net
Year of Graduation: 1976
Sorry Michele, (and others that have tried to contact me over the past couple of weeks), but I now have my own address as you can see! Anyhow, I hope to see all my old buddies soon.
Name: Lynn Pedersen (Morrison)
E-Mail: pedersen@interhop.net
Year of Graduation: 1977
" Boy, have the last 21 years ever gone by fast.  I'm sure none of us have 
changed at all. (in our minds that is!!!)  Can't wait to see everyone 
again.  Really hoping to see or hear from Terry Ryan, Trish Curtis, Cathy 
Couchman, Paul Adkin, etc, etc,.  Too bad you guys couldn't make it to our 
20 year reunion!!!!! 
Wendy Mc.--so glad you are coming! Maybe we could get together for a coffee and a few "lemon squares"  Ha! Ha! 

A very special thank-you to Ray Newton and his committe for all the hard work they have put into making this reunion a reality. Good job guys!!!!!!!

Name: Sandra Lovely
E-Mail: slovely@istar.ca
Year of Graduation: 1973
Just a quick hello to all my partners in crime from 1973.  Hope to see a bunch of you at the reunion and would like to hear from you even if you can't make it. 
Hey, we are the Baby Boomers!  Loud & Proud! 
A special hello to my favourite grade 11/12 history teacher, Mr. Peter Morris.  I heard a rumour that he's now the principal at good old USS.  Will wonders never cease.
Name: Debbie Hargrave
JE-Mail: mediap@ibm.net
Year of Graduation: 1979
Looking forward to seeing everyone!  God how time flys.  Great to hear that Michele McConney is coming back for the reunion.  Andrea James (Tuck) and I look forward to matching golf cards with all you pseudo golfers!  Look out Larry and Bill!

Name: Anne (Lockie) Mason
E-Mail: rmason@rogerswave.ca
Year of Graduation: 1975
Glad this homepage has been set up.  Thank you USS.  I have the reunion dates marked on my calendar and hope to attend.  My husband Roy and I are still living in Newmarket with our 16 year old son Ryan.  Would love to hear from fellow graduates - are you planning on attending the reunion?

Name: Wendy McConney
E-Mail: traude.telusplanet.net
Year of Graduation: 1966/67
BLAST FROM THE PAST....  Michele may not have bells on but I will and so will my children! Who would have thought it, EH ?    I can hardly wait. Do any 76/77 Grads drink beer any more or any  less?
Name: Donna (Sheehan) Delaney
E-Mail: dacrew@auracom.com
Year of Graduation: 1976
I just received my notice about the 75th reunion. I think the site is great but there is one thing missing ... an alumni list, and maybe some pics. Keep up the great work. I will be checking back again.
Name: Gloria Eng
E-Mail: glozzier@hotmail.com
Year of Graduation: 1979
Looking forward to seeing everyone and particularly those who graduated Grade 12 in '78. We ( Ric Hudson and I) were planning a 20th year reunion in September of this year,but with the 75th in June, we'll see everyone then. It's really been 9 years since our last reunion !!!!
Name: Shane Maloney
E-Mail: veggster@hotmail.com
Year of Graduation: 1979
My wife and I, Liz Maloney, will be attending the reunion. We have two kids Mallory 10 and Cameron 5.  We now live in Orillia and own and operate a Locksmith shop and retail store downtown on Elgin Street. Feel free to drop us an E-mail or ICQ 237320983.  See you all there, Shane & Liz.
Name: Michele McConney
E-Mail: traude@telusplanet.net
Year of Graduation: 1979
Hello, I did try this earlier but I do not think it went through.  I am looking forward to the reunion and plan to be there without my bells on. So far in the Bow Valley, Mary and I have counted 6 USS Alum... Michele McConney,Wendy McConney-Goode, Mary Morrison-Reiman, Steve Horton, Warren Mackie and Georgia Hepburn.  Please forgive me I do not know Georgia's married name, but she is very active in the valley with her children and husband and of course still sings beautifully.  Hello to all! 
Hello Mr. Mazza,
I have heard through my father that your retirement party was a terrific success.  I wish you well although something tells me you will not be idle.

Hundreds more comments starting here ... not entered - at least at the moment.